It’s crunch time, folks. T-minus three days until the official end of the semester, and I have two very important to-do lists to be working on. First of all, I have actual finals stuff – papers to write and exams to study for and portfolios to complete. Second of all (and this one is becoming increasingly prioritized), I’m switching my Netflix plan so I have to get through my entire DVD queue before the end of the pay period, which coincidentally falls in three days on the last day of finals. My suitemates and I have been studying our butts off and blowing through movies at the same time. It’s been a crazy week, but I’m making progress on both fronts!
List 1:
Psych research final paper
List 2:
Ed Wood
Dead Poets Society
Harry Brown
Unfortunately, my newfound Dexter obsession has been slowing me down. I think I might need to put myself on a technology cleanse for the new year.