Thanksgiving 2011: success! Sarah and I did all the cooking ourselves and it all turned out mighty fine, if we do say so. With a little help from the holiday Pandora stations and a lot of help from Alton Brown’s video on how to truss a turkey, the hours of prep work and actual cooking went off without a hitch! Our nineteen-pound turkey (affectionately named Turkey Lurkey) turned out b-e-a-utifully.
But the best part of hosting Thanksgiving? Even after sending five heaping platters of leftovers with Sarah’s family members and our neighbors, our fridge still looks like this:
Thanksgiving leftovers until the end of time! Good thing I would be perfectly content eating nothing but turkey and cranberry sauce sandwiches for the rest of my life. Here’s hoping you all had a wonderful turkey day full of good food, friends & family, and time to reflect on everything you’re thankful for!