The Best Part of Waking Up…

…is drinking your coffee from a mug that pays homage to your favorite blood spatter analyst/serial killer.  Have I neglected to share with you the absolute magic that is the Dexter mug my brother got me for Christmas?  It certainly wouldn’t do it justice to tell you about it; I’ll have to show you.

Yes, that is what I spent my Saturday afternoon doing.

I just love this mug.  The only unfortunate thing about it is that it isn’t microwave-safe.  This is unfortunate because I take a really absurd amount of time to drink my cup of coffee in the morning, and usually have to reheat it about six times before I actually finish it.  So sadly, my Dexter mug typically only sees me through my first twenty minutes or so, until the rest of my coffee has gone cold and I have to transfer it to a microwave-approved mug.  Problem now solved, though, because I can drink out of another mug while watching this video over and over and still get the full effect.

Anybody else jumping on the heat-sensitive mug bandwagon?  Besides Amity, Meg, and Amy, of course, who I know are all solemnly swearing that they are up to no good with their HP mugs… except that, Meg, I still have yours.  Maybe I should make a video with it… this could be a new thing.  Mug movies set to music.  Oh, what I choose to do with my time…

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