September has finally arrived, Labor Day weekend is over (thank GOODNESS – it was a madhouse on this beach), and although things are still pretty busy, the off-season has officially begun.
Aside from cooler temps and pumpkin-flavored everything, September also means one other very important thing: it’s time for the second annual Manning family sailing trip! My aunt, uncle, cousin, and I are heading to Annapolis tomorrow to spend a week out on the Chesapeake Bay.
It’s been an absolutely crazy week here. Between the Labor Day crowds (and subsequently exhausting work shifts), helping with and attending my roommate Sarah’s sister’s wedding last weekend, non-functional air conditioning in my house, and trying to prepare for the sailing trip, I’m running on approximately ten seconds to write this update. We’re planning to live-blog the sailing trip like we did last year, so expect plenty more nautical puns and everybody’s favorite: the TR Quote of the Day!
Mainly, I’m looking forward to a lot of this:
Ahh, life on the water.
In other news, I hopped on the Instagram bandwagon and can now take vintage-looking square photos like all of my friends! I figured I should get hip with these things the kids are doing since one of my official job titles is “social media manager.” Now you can simply look to the right –>
and check out the latest installments in my square photo gallery! This is in no way essential for you to know. It’s just a fact. Although apparently there aren’t captions or explanations, so I guess you can just create your own to figure out what I was doing. Let’s zoom in on one:
I made that pumpkin spice latte for myself the other day. I will pat myself on the back and say it was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen, and also the most delicious.
I’ll leave you with this. If you’re a member of my immediate family, I’ve already emailed and texted you multiple times demanding that you watch this. Flight of the Conchords recently released their first new material in three years, a charity song for an organization in New Zealand that funds research to cure childhood diseases. The video is fifteen minutes, but well worth the time. WATCH THE WHOLE THING.
I’ve missed them so much.