All right, y’all know that I’m just a little obsessed with my car. Perry is not particularly cool, or fast, or fuel-efficient, but he’s mine and I love him (as evidenced by the fact that I call my car “he” and not “it” – I can’t break the habit).
I’ve gone with Perry to a dealership in his namesake during an unfortunate misadventure in Virginia three years ago…
Used him as the subject for one of my computer art assignments during sophomore year of college…
And built a beautiful Forester family with my dearest friend Emaline and Perry’s dearest friend Wilson…
True, his clock console has never worked. True, the back windshield wiper is stuck permanently upright in the middle of the window. And true, he broke down not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES during my first summer on the Outer Banks – once on the highway in 100-degree heat, once halfway across a bridge, and once at one o’clock in the morning. Nevertheless, I love that little guy.
When it comes to my love for my car, I took it to the next level today. May I present: my first car story, or, an ode to Perry (click on the blue link to see the video).
You can make your own “First Car Story” video, too (Dad, I think you should make one for Emmett Reuben! Did I spell that right?). How fitting that the website was created by Subaru! And you thought I couldn’t get any crazier…

our coordinating outfits and license plates make that photo even better <3
So true. I can’t believe we didn’t plan that!
1.) Loved the video! That was really so cute. 🙂
2.) I call my car a “he” too. His name is Nemo because one of his wipers is weird, like a lucky fin.
If you are crazy, then maybe I am too. I vote for both of us being awesome, though.
Yup, I’ll second that vote 🙂 LOVE the reasoning behind Nemo the car!
This was so PRECIOUS! I can’t wait to watch the video when I’m not in the office.
Haha, thanks! Nerdiness on a whole new level. And I’m glad you didn’t play my awkward speaker-voice aloud for all your coworkers to hear 🙂