Well, according to this blog, July didn’t happen. In real life, it did happen, and it was all sorts of bonkers. Let’s just hit the highlights.
While I was in Geneseo in May, Abby volunteered us both to take our 16-year-old coworker Bryant to any concert he wanted for his birthday. He picked one of his favorite bands, SOJA, who were coming to the NorVa in July.
I definitely don’t dislike reggae, I just never listen to it… so I was pretty sure I’d have fun just going to a live show and goofing off with Abby while we tried not to embarrass Bryant too much, but I didn’t know what to expect in terms of music. So it was pretty cool when these guys were AWESOME!
Seriously, it was a really great show and I have been jammin’ out to SOJA ever since. Bryant is really excited to have made a reggae convert out of me. It probably has to do with the fact that I’m very in tune with Snoop Dogg at all times and was subconsciously foreshadowing his transformation into reggae artist Snoop Lion.
Perry got a little upgrade and he’s officially a southern boy! It was sad to say goodbye to my New York plates, but it was pretty long overdue. Also, my car insurance is way less expensive in North Carolina and I no longer worry that other locals think I’m a Yankee tourist on the bypass! Score.
Finally, I went to watch my little cousin Townes compete in Skim Jam 2012 last week! Check out that shred:
It was funny to realize that this was actually a nationwide skim boarding competition that some people traveled from states away to compete in. We were pretty lucky to be able to drive ten minutes down the road to watch!
Townes was in the “minis” division (under eight), so his heat was the first of the day. He did really well and had a blast! Future pro right here.
So there we have it: top three exciting things of July 2012 on the OBX. August is already shaping up to be just as busy and full of shenanigans!

You were missed! There were definitely fewer good vibes on my blog’s reading list in the last month.
I remember why I commented! Are your blog’s stats still funny? I’ve been getting lots and lots of hits from Google in California, clearly skewing actual hits. And I’m using Stat Counter now, but that seems incorrect too. They claim I have one or two hits a day, while Blogger stats says I have over 100. But if I’m right, and according to what I can see, it’s somewhere between the two.
I haven’t been paying much attention the past few weeks… but I think it’s looking pretty normal right now!
that’s a long license plate number! Are they all like that?
Well, locals automatically get the “OBX” at the beginning of their plate number, and I think they started at 1 however long ago and have been counting up ever since! Sometimes you see people with plates like OBX 302 and you know they’ve been here forever!
Now we’ll have to take new Forester twin photos with matching outfits since your license plate has changed!
We must!! It’s a date 🙂